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12 March 2004
This little notice appeared all over my district on the 29th Feb, and I've been glowing warmly ever since. Sorry it's taken this long to share it, but I'm not always quick at getting stuff done.

In case anyone's having trouble reading it, it says:
Citizens of Arthurs Hill, I invite you...
To Celebrate how Ace you are,
To consider how cool this area is,
And to relax and enjoy yourself in whichever way you fancy.I did this for leapday, coz it only comes round every 4 years and it's a chance to do something different.
I love living here, I love the smells of curry, the dog walkers in Nuns Moor Park. I love the way that people have come here from all over the world, and that all of us moan about the weather. I love the number 12 bus, I love the old bootscrapers next to some of the doors. I love the colour of bricks and
the flowers on windowsills.I don't like other things in the world like poverty, war-mongering and selfishness, but you guys make this, my home, an ace place to live.
© Chaz Brenchley 2004
Reproduced here by permission of Chaz Brenchley, who asserts his moral right to be identified as the author of this work.