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Message from the Debauched Sloth

It must be blue moon time, because that's how Chaz describes the frequency of his newsletter, and a copy has just landed. He has, he tells us, actual, honest-to-goodness news to share!

Get your own copy - for Chaz'z news direct from the man himself, why not sign up for Chaz'z new neswaletter? Books and cats and recipes, and more as it occurs...

First past the post - read it first.

Mary Ellen, Craterean!

Mary Ellen, Craterean!

June 20th is Publication Day, yay! for Mary Ellen, Craterean!, the third book in the Crater School series. Here is a link to the page which will tell you anywhere and everywhere you may order it from, apart from your own preferred bookshop (which, y'know, is also fine): everything you need to know, Wizard’s Tower Press will tell you here.

Also, you should probably know that Chaz is hurtling, aye, hurtling along with volume four, Radhika Rages at the Crater School. That's half done already. You can follow along, as ever, at Chaz'z Patreon, for the price of a cup of coffee.

Chaz explains The Big Idea behind Mary Ellen, Craterean!.

Mars Imperial home page.

Also also...

In other news, Chaz is bringing himself up to speed with the unfinished second adventure of Christian Priest and Sherlock Holmes, Page and Monarch, Forth They Went, in hopes of getting that moving again over on Ko-fi, another of those buy-me-a-coffee deals, for he is sore in need of caffeine to keep all this stuff coming.

Also also also,he is proofing and vaguely editing the scanned text of Feast of the King's Shadow, vol 4 of the reissuing Outremer novels, also from Wizard's Tower Press, so that shouldn't be too long a-borning.

"aand," says Chaz, "we are culling our book collection(s) and otherwise redistributing stuff to other places, with an eye to moving next year, so that's going to be fun. Perhaps I'll keep you abreast of the hilarity, with regular updates. Who can say?"

Who indeed?

News from Outremer

The Tower of the King's Daughter

Meanwhile, t new edition of Chaz'z fantasy classic The Books of Outremer from Wizard's Tower Press is completely revised by the author, and appears in six volumes of which the first three are already available (see above for news of volume 4). Find ordering details on the publisher's website for the first, The Devil in the Dust, and second, The Tower of the King's Daughter.

For forty years, the Order of the Knights Ransomer has been the sword-arm and conscience of the kingdom. Their stronghold, the Roq de Rançon, is the key to Outremer's defence. But nomadic tribes on the kingdom's borders threaten to reclaim this land that was once theirs, and their charismatic leader, Hasan, is a force to be reckoned with...

Marron, a young man training to be a Ransomer, and Julianne, a noble-born girl betrothed to a man she's never met, have come to the Roq. Here each of them is be put to the test, as they become inextricably bound up in the coming upheaval that will decide the fate of Outremer. And as The Devil in the Dust closes, there are secrets to be revealed.

What is the reason for Sieur Anton's shame? Who is the mysterious prisoner in the Roq's dungeons? Who is Rudel, really, and why does Elisande hate him so? Most importantly of all, what lies within the Roq's forbidden section, the place known as the Tower of the King's Daughter?

Publisher Cheryl Morgan says: "I read the Outremer series in 2004. At the time, Crusader imagery was regularly utilised in support of the war in Iraq, and depiction of queer relationships in fantasy was still a rarity. Consequently the series was a breath of fresh air in a world just starting to go mad. I'm delighted to be able to bring these books back to the reading public."

The Samaritan

News of an old friend

Chaz announces on FaceBook that "You can now grab an e-book of my first acknowledged novel, The Samaritan, on Kindle! This is also the first of my serial-killer thrillers, written and published pre-Silence of the Lambs and thus ahead of the market, which is why it of course vanished without trace. (I do of course have reasons for why every single one of my books vanished without trace; it's kinda fun, honestly.)

Anyway: go forth and buy from from and from from Amazon UK), gimme a slightly early birthday present or something. It's fun; did I mention a serial killer?

More about The Samaritan

Everything in All the Wrong Order - cover art

The Best of Chaz

Everything in All the Wrong Order, the Best Of collection of Chaz'z short stories, was published by Subterranean Press on 31st August 2021, and has been gathering rave reviews.

The Table of Contents has now been announced - thirty two brilliant stories of all lengths, plus an introduction by Elizabeth Bear. Publishers Weekly calls Chaz "gifted, prolific" and, in a starred review, says "Every entry enhances creative plots and plausible characterizations with outstanding writing."

Included in the 2021 Locus Recommended Reading List.

Read more here.

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