Writing Fantasy
Chaz Brenchley: Fantasy and Dark Fantasy

The Write Fantastic was launched in May 2005 as a group to promote fantasy fiction in the same way as the Murder Squad promotes crime: a group of published and professional fantasy writers, finding themselves in danger of being written off as mid-list and hence not worth marketing, coming together to promote themselves, each other and the genre as a whole, to a literary world too ready to dismiss genre in general and fantasy in particular.
Read more about The Write Fantastic on this site or visit visit The Write Fantastic website.
- The Daemonomicon
(Writing as Ben Macallan) - Northern Lights
- Moshui: the Books of Stone and Water
(Writing as Daniel Fox) - Selling Water by the River
- Book One: Bridge of Dreams
- Book Two: River of the World
- The Books of Outremer
- Tower of the King's Daughter - in the US, Devil in the Dust and Tower of the King's Daughter.
- Feast of the King's Shadow - in the US, A Dark Way to Glory and Feast of the King's Shadow.
- Hand of the King's Evil - in the US, Hand of the King's Evil and The End of All Roads.
- Read online
- Every day a little death, or The clockmaker's apprentice - a tale of the thousand and second night.
- On Writing Fantasy - Chaz'z speech to the UK-Korea Fantasy Forum, September 2003
- Books for Children