Chaz Brenchley
Chaz Brenchley has been making a living as a writer since he was eighteen. He is the author of over five hundred short stories, nine thrillers, most recently Shelter and two fantasy series, The Books of Outremer and Selling Water by the River. As Daniel Fox he has published a Chinese-based fantasy series, beginning with Dragon in Chains, as Ben Macallan, an urban fantasy, Desdæmona.
A British Fantasy Award winner, he has also published books for children and more than 500 short stories in various genres. His time as crimewriter-in-residence on a sculpture project in Sunderland resulted in the collection Blood Waters. His first play, A Cold Coming, was performed and then toured in 2007. He is a prizewinning ex-poet, and has been writer in residence at the University of Northumbria. He was Northern Writer of the Year 2000.
Chaz spent his childhood in Oxford, his adulthood in Newcastle, and now lives in California with his wife Karen, two squabbling cats, a turtle and a famous teddy bear.
News: The third Crater School book - and another on its way; not to mention the further adventures of Rowany de Vere, News - and more news - from Outremer ... All the details on the News & Events page.
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Original site design © 1998 Chaz Brenchley / Squane's Journal;
site currently maintained by Jean Rogers,
and hosted by Cornwell Internet.
Site © 1998 / 2024 Chaz Brenchley & Jean Rogers; no part of this site may be reproduced without permission.
Author photograph: Chaz and the volcano © Karen Williams 2010